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BYStudio Packaging Design Company Los Angeles

Is The Hillary Clinton Logo Inspiring or a Dud? What Do You Think?

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Let’s face it, your logo design says a lot about your business brand image. If your logo is simple and lacks personality your brand image may generate negative connotations in the consumer’s mind no matter how much value your business provides. On the other hand, a well designed...

Clever, quirky packaging design ideas for April Fool’s Day.

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Our motto is that packaging should always pop off the shelf! Here is a selection of fun and quirky package designs for April Fools day that bring a smile to our faces. Are you ready to break some boundaries and get creative with your packaging design? If so, give us a call, we...

Yum Brands Banh Shop Changes Logo After Angry Petition

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Ahhh… the power of a simple logo. As we all know, a logo is a symbol, sign or emblem used to convey a succinct message or identity about an organization. But never underestimate the power of a logo to create memorable associations and impressions about the company and the...